Drug Prices

Greg is Treating His Ulcerative Colitis, and Enjoying a Slice or Two

Greg, 37, of Los Angeles, Cal., spends most of his time hiking, running and lifting weights, but his greatest passion in life is pizza. Not long ago, he made a bet with his wife that he could eat pizza and nothing but pizza for 45 days. As if that weren’t unusual enough, you should know that Greg has a history of ulcerative colitis.

Steroids were not controlling his condition, so his gastroenterologist put him on a biologic medication. After a while, his insurance plan recommended switching to a biosimilar—a safe, effective alternative to a brand-name biologic.

Senate Finance Hearing Highlights Ways to Reduce Drug Prices without Harming Patients

The Senate Finance Committee (SFC) convened a hearing March 16 titled, “Prescription Drug Price Inflation: An Urgent Need to Lower Drug Prices in Medicare.” AAM submitted a statement outlining concrete approaches to providing savings for seniors through policies to increase competition in the prescription drug market.

State of the Union: Generic and Biosimilar Savings for States and Taxpayers

According to the latest U.S. Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Savings Report, Americans who took generics and biosimilars saved $338 billion in health care costs in 2020 and nearly $2.4 trillion in the last decade. These medicines provide budgetary relief throughout the U.S. health care system, and taxpayers in all 50 states benefit from the savings generated for Medicare and Medicaid enrollees. On average, states saved $6.6 billion from the use of generics and biosimilars in 2020.

Generic Prices Are Falling, But Seniors Are Paying More for Generic Drugs. What’s Happening Here?

Something is wrong when America’s patients pay the same or more for an FDA-approved generic version of a high-priced brand drug. It’s even worse when those costs go up each year. Generics provide competition for expensive brand drugs and savings for patients. In 2020 alone, generics and biosimilars have saved the Medicare program $109.6 billion.1

Generics and Biosimilar Medicines Deliver More Savings Every Year

At a moment when policymakers are contemplating measures to reduce drug prices for America’s patients, AAM’s 2021 U.S. Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Savings Report, featuring data from IQVIA, breaks the savings down by state, age, payer, common medical conditions and more.

Because tens of millions of Americans entrust their health to generics and biosimilars, they saved $338 billion in 2020, and nearly $2.4 trillion in the last decade.

Some key figures:

Proposed BBB Negotiation Framework Discourages Biosimilar Competition, Imposes Higher Costs on Commercially Insured Patients and Their Employers

This week, we learned that employers experienced a 6.3% jump in health benefit costs last year.1 Findings such as these, paired with high brand-name drug costs, are why commercial and employer-sponsored health plans have long looked forward to savings from biosimilar competition.

The Evidence Is Clear: Biosimilar Competition Will Achieve More Savings for Patients Than Build Back Better’s Negotiations

The biosimilars industry is proving that market competition works to drive down drug costs and increase patient access to medicines. According to recent data from IQVIA, savings from biosimilars increased over 800% from 2018 to 2020, from under $900M in 2018 to $7.9B in 20201. These savings are projected to reach over $30B annually by 2022, and collectively will save the U.S. health care system $133B from 2021 to 20252.

How Inflation Penalties for Generic Medicines Could Worsen Drug Shortages

Amid rising health care costs, generic drugs stand out for delivering low-cost, affordable and accessible health care options for patients. As a result of robust head-to-head price competition that rapidly drives costs down to a fraction of the brand price, generics today comprise more than 90% of all prescriptions dispensed in the United States but only 18% of prescription drug spending.

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Association for Accessible Medicines


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