Drug Prices

AAM Statement on House Bills 965, 1499 and 938

WASHINGTON, DC (May 21, 2019) — AAM commends the House of Representatives for passing H.R. 965, the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act of 2019 (CREATES Act). This important, bipartisan legislation will help lower prescription drug prices for American patients by closing regulatory loopholes that have been abused by some brand-drug manufacturers to stifle competition.

Highlights from the NAFTA 2.0 Congressional Briefing: The May 10 Amendments

On May 10, 2019, the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) hosted a briefing for congressional staff and other stakeholders on the twelfth anniversary of the May 10 Agreement, the bipartisan agreement to reopen the Colombia, Panama, Peru and South Korea trade agreements to address labor, environment and access to medicines issues.

The 11th Annual Edition of AAM Access & Savings Report Finds Generic Savings Totaled $293 Billion in 2018

WASHINGTON, DC (May 13, 2019) — The Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) has released details of its 2019 Access & Savings Report, with key findings that underscore the importance of generics and biosimilars to American patients. According to the forthcoming report, the U.S. health care system has saved $2 trillion in the last decade due to the availability of low-cost generics, $293 billion of which came in 2018 alone.

Response to 60 Minutes May 12, 2019: AAM Statement on the Importance of Competition to Promote Accessibility and Affordability of Medicines

WASHINGTON, DC (May 12, 2019) — The Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) and its member companies are committed to supporting policies that promote competition and help speed the availability of generic and biosimilar medicines to patients. Today’s generic drug industry is characterized by intense competition. As a result, pricing data from the last three years indicate that generic prices have declined overall and saved patients and taxpayers literally billions of dollars compared to brand-name drug prices. (See chart below – source IQVIA, Morgan Stanley)

The USMCA Will Keep Drug Prices Out of Reach for Patients, But Congress Can Fix It

The USMCA Creates New Barriers, Delays Patient Access to Affordable Medicines — Especially Biosimilars.

The Agreement would delay U.S. patient access to competition from low-cost, high-quality generic and biosimilar medicines, and fails to include strong incentives for their approval and uptake. 

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Jonnie Is Informed about Generic Prescriptions. How Does Your Knowledge Measure Up?

For the past quarter-century, Jonnie, 57, has kept a booth at the Antique Depot in Skiatook, OK. The job allows her a flexible enough schedule to take care of her elderly mother, who lives next door.

Holding estate sales and dealing in used merchandise has also made her an expert on spotting a bargain.

“When You Pay for a Name-Brand Drug, It’s Super Expensive” 

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