WASHINGTON, DC (May 16, 2018) —The Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) is pleased to announce the addition of two 2018 Associate Members:

  • ACIC Pharmaceuticals
  • Husch Blackwell LLP

Associate Members are entities that are allied with the interests, needs and policy positions of the generic pharmaceutical industry. Associate Members include, but are not limited to, generic distributors, health insurance providers, pharmacy benefit managers/administrators, consultants, retail pharmacy entities, laboratories, pharmaceutical brokers and other supporting products or service organizations.

Generic drugs saved the U.S. health system $253 billion in 2016, according to the Generic Drug Savings in the U.S. report compiled by the IMS Institute for Health on behalf of AAM. View the complete list of 2018 Associate Members.

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Media Inquiries:
Rachel Schwartz
202.249.7147 (o)
202.251.8881 (c)