AAM has joined nine other prominent health care organizations, including America’s Health Insurance Plans, American Hospital Association and American College of Physicians, to send a letter to Capitol Hill encouraging and applauding congressional oversight of Allergan’s sale of its patent for Restasis® to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe.

There’s a lot of talk in Washington about high drug prices and we welcome Congressional scrutiny of this ill-conceived arrangement to block generic competition that will cost Americans $10.7b over the next six years [according to Vizient]. It is important for AAM and others in the healthcare supply chain who care for patients to stand united against this cynical maneuver that only serves to keep the prices of prescription medicine inflated.

Read the AAM white paper about tribal immunity and inter partes review (IPR).

FT Restasis Price Graph


Erica Klinger


By Erica Klinger, AAM Marketing Director