Statement by Chip Davis, President and CEO, AAM, Regarding the Confirmation of HHS Secretary Tom Price

WASHINGTON, DC (February 10, 2017) – “We congratulate Secretary Price on today’s confirmation and look forward to working with his team, President Trump and both parties in Congress to ensure that generic medicines continue to keep treatments within reach of all Americans.

“During his confirmation hearing Secretary Price highlighted the importance of generic drugs to America’s health care system and their contribution to lowering costs for patients and taxpayers. As the President and his administration rightly focus on addressing the cost of prescription drugs, it provides a great opportunity to increase generic competition in the pharmaceutical market, saving lives and saving money. That’s a win-win for our country and our health care system, and we’re anxious to work with the Administration and Congress to get the job done."

Chip Davis
President and CEO
Association for Accessible Medicines

Rachel Schwartz 
202.249.7147 (o)
202.251.8881 (c)

Association for Accessible Medicines


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