Seamlessly Flowing: AAM Member Aurobindo Pharma

India-based Aurobindo Pharma is focused on growth and infrastructure. Currently, the company employs more than 20,000 people and operates more than 25 manufacturing facilities in the U.S., India, South America and Europe. Looking ahead, it plans on strengthening existing businesses and developing a differentiated and specialty-driven product portfolio. The company, which has U.S. headquarters in East Windsor, NJ, is expanding its portfolio of Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs), with more than 500 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved to date and nearly 200 more pending approval. It also continues investing in plant and capacity expansions and building new facilities to fuel growth for years to come.

Aurobindo Pharma global operation map

Aurobindo Pharma Global Operation Map

Scientist working in laboratory
Scientist working in laboratory
Inside Aurobindo Pharma facility
Aurobindo Pharma building

Aurobindo Pharma Facility

Paul McMahon, Aurobindo’s Senior Vice President of Commercial Operations and member of the AAM board of directors, has said, I view my service and collaboration with AAM and my fellow board members as absolutely critical advocacy for our country’s health care system, in regard to the availability, affordability and sustainability of our nation’s drug supply. He describes AAM’s task as a very challenging balancing act of ensuring the highest quality and regulatory standards, maintaining a vibrantly competitive marketplace, while also ensuring the long-term economic viability of our industry amidst ever-increasing customer buying power and pressures, as well as more and more local/state/federal legislation and FDA compliance requirements.

During the pandemic, Aurobindo’s global teams worked hard to keep product flowing as seamlessly as possible in terms of staffing, production and global and domestic logistics, so that patients could get the medicines they need and depend on. Having endured the challenges presented by the pandemic, Aurobindo is emerging even stronger as the world opens back up.

Aurobindo maintains a steady pace of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in the U.S., partnering with AAM associate member Dispensary of Hope to donate 3.7 million doses of medicine; providing critically needed drugs through CitiHope, to health care institutions for over 333,000 patients worldwide; and contributing over $20,000 to Spectrum 360 to enable individuals with special needs achieve their maximum potential. The Sustainability section of Aurobindo’s website pledges to serve the development of weaker, marginalized, underprivileged sections of the society, including minorities, women and children, families living under the poverty line, the aged, and the differently abled. Aurobindo continues these efforts as part of its duty as not only a powerhouse of pharmaceutical production and supply chain, but also a responsible corporate citizen, honoring its Commitment to a Healthier Life.

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Jewel Smith
By Jewel Smith, AAM Senior Director, Operations
Published on June 21, 2021