IP Issues https://accessiblemeds.org/ en Roadmaps for Ensuring Patient Access to Generic and Biosimilar Medicines: Securing Sustainable Markets https://accessiblemeds.org/sustainable-markets-report <span class="title">Roadmaps for Ensuring Patient Access to Generic and Biosimilar Medicines: Securing Sustainable Markets</span><span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/23" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">eklinger</span></span> <span class="created">Mon, 02/22/2021 - 13:47</span> <div class="body"><p>This paper examines the challenges to market sustainability for generic and biosimilar medicines that have cleared the regulatory and patent hurdles to obtain FDA approval and launch into the U.S. market. It is the first in a series of AAM papers that will highlight challenges to the overall sustainability of the generics and biosimilars industry. Future papers will examine threats to the balance between innovation and competition that drives generic and biosimilar development, including maintaining incentives to challenge brand-name drug patents and eliminating abuses of the patent system, as well as regulatory challenges relating to generics and biosimilars approval.</p> <p><a class="button" href="https://accessiblemeds.org/sites/default/files/2021-02/AAM-Sustainable-Markets-report.pdf" target="_blank">View Report</a></p> </div> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/106" hreflang="en">Biosimilars</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/171" hreflang="en">Generic Supply Chain</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/141" hreflang="en">Patent Reform</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/136" hreflang="en">Medicaid</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/766" hreflang="en">Medicare</a></div> </div> </div> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 18:47:02 +0000 eklinger 199676 at https://accessiblemeds.org AAM’s Recommendations to #SecureOurMeds https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/aams-recommendations-secureourmeds <span property="schema:name" class="title">AAM’s Recommendations to #SecureOurMeds</span><span class="uid" rel="schema:author"><span lang="" about="/user/861" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">kmurphy</span></span> <span property="schema:dateCreated" content="2021-01-29T17:00:00+00:00" class="created">Fri, 01/29/2021 - 12:00</span> Fri, 29 Jan 2021 17:00:00 +0000 kmurphy 199456 at https://accessiblemeds.org https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/aams-recommendations-secureourmeds#comments Karin Hessler Joins AAM as Assistant General Counsel https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/karin-hessler-joins-aam-assistant-general-counsel <span class="title">Karin Hessler Joins AAM as Assistant General Counsel</span> <div class="body"><p>WASHINGTON, DC (March 18, 2019) – Karin Hessler joins the Association for Accessible Medicines as Assistant General Counsel, effective today.</p> <p>“Through her extensive legal representation of manufacturers of generic and <a href="https://www.biosimilarscouncil.org/" target="_blank">biosimilar</a> medicines, Karin will bring valuable insights into the intellectual property barriers that our companies face in trying to deliver safe, more affordable treatment options to patients,” said <a href="https://www.accessiblemeds.org/about/our-team/jeffrey-francer" target="_blank">Jeff Francer</a>, AAM’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel.</p> <p>Hessler will focus primarily on Hatch-Waxman, biosimilar and pharmaceutical patent issues.</p> <p>Before joining AAM in March 2019, Hessler was a partner at Wiley Rein LLP, where she represented clients on intellectual property matters, with a special focus on patent litigation in the biotechnology and medical device industries. She has played a lead role in all phases of numerous Hatch-Waxman litigations, including expert discovery, fact discovery, claim construction, trials, regulatory analysis and settlement negotiations.</p> <p>Hessler received her J.D. from NYU School of Law, an M.A. in biochemistry from Duke and her B.S. in biochemistry from Lafayette College.</p> <p><a class="button" href="https://www.accessiblemeds.org/about/our-team/karin-hessler" target="_blank">View Bio </a></p> <p> </p> <p>MEDIA CONTACT:<br /><a href="mailto:rachel.schwartz@accessiblemeds.org" target="_blank">Rachel Schwartz</a><br /> 202.249.7147 <br /><br />  </p> <p><strong>About AAM </strong></p> <p>AAM is driven by the belief that access to safe, quality, effective medicine has a tremendous impact on a person’s life and the world around them. Generic and biosimilar medicines improve people’s lives, improving society and the economy in turn. AAM represents the manufacturers and distributors of finished generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars, manufacturers and distributors of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, and suppliers of other goods and services to the generic industry. Generic pharmaceuticals are 90 percent of prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. but <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/2018-generic-drug-access-and-savings-report" target="_blank">only 23 percent</a> of total drug spending. </p> <p><strong>About the Biosimilars Council </strong></p> <p>The Biosimilars Council, a division of the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM), works to ensure a positive environment for patient access to biosimilar medicines. The Biosimilars Council is a leading source for information about the safety and efficacy of more affordable alternatives to costly brand biologic medicines. Areas of focus include public and health expert education, strategic partnerships, government affairs, legal affairs and regulatory policy. More information is available at <a href="https://biosimilarscouncil.org/" target="_blank">www.biosimilarscouncil.org</a>.</p> </div> <span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/801" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rschwartz</span></span> <span class="created">Mon, 03/18/2019 - 09:00</span> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> </div> </div> Mon, 18 Mar 2019 13:00:00 +0000 rschwartz 187206 at https://accessiblemeds.org AAM Welcomes Re-Introduction of the PACED Act https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/aam-welcomes-re-introduction-paced-act <span class="title">AAM Welcomes Re-Introduction of the PACED Act</span> <div class="body"><p>WASHINGTON, DC (February 13, 2019) — With everyone from patients to the President demanding action on drug pricing, AAM welcomes the re-introduction of the Preserving Access to Cost Effective Drugs (PACED) Act.</p> <p>As pharmaceutical companies continue to find novel ways to <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/campaign/abuse-patent-system-keeping-drug-prices-high-patients" target="_blank">game the system</a> to keep their monopolies intact long past their expiration date, the PACED Act addresses this particularly onerous practice that keeps drug costs artificially high. The scheme is so egregious that everyone said, ‘there ought to be a law.’ Thank you to Senators <a href="https://www.cotton.senate.gov/" target="_blank">Tom Cotton</a> (R-Arkansas), <a href="https://www.toomey.senate.gov/" target="_blank">Pat Toomey</a> (R-Pennsylvania) and <a href="https://www.ernst.senate.gov/public/" target="_blank">Joni Ernst</a> (R-Iowa) for taking the first step toward that objective. Congress should give the PACED Act its full consideration and enact this law.”</p> <p>Attribution: Association for Accessible Medicines</p> <p> </p> <p>MEDIA CONTACT:<br /><a href="mailto:rachel.schwartz@accessiblemeds.org" target="_blank">Rachel Schwartz</a><br /> 202.249.7147 </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>About AAM </strong></p> <p>AAM is driven by the belief that access to safe, quality, effective medicine has a tremendous impact on a person’s life and the world around them. Generic and biosimilar medicines improve people’s lives, improving society and the economy in turn. AAM represents the manufacturers and distributors of finished generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars, manufacturers and distributors of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, and suppliers of other goods and services to the generic industry. Generic pharmaceuticals are 90 percent of prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. but <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/2018-generic-drug-access-and-savings-report" target="_blank">only 23 percent</a> of total drug spending. </p> <p><strong>About the Biosimilars Council </strong></p> <p>The Biosimilars Council, a division of the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM), works to ensure a positive environment for patient access to biosimilar medicines. The Biosimilars Council is a leading source for information about the safety and efficacy of more affordable alternatives to costly brand biologic medicines. Areas of focus include public and health expert education, strategic partnerships, government affairs, legal affairs and regulatory policy. More information is available at <a href="https://biosimilarscouncil.org/" target="_blank">www.biosimilarscouncil.org</a>.</p> </div> <span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/801" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rschwartz</span></span> <span class="created">Wed, 02/13/2019 - 13:49</span> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/771" hreflang="en">Drug Prices</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/141" hreflang="en">Patent Reform</a></div> </div> </div> Wed, 13 Feb 2019 18:49:07 +0000 rschwartz 186716 at https://accessiblemeds.org AAM Files Amicus Brief in Helsinn v Teva https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/aam-files-amicus-brief-helsinn-v-teva <span class="title">AAM Files Amicus Brief in Helsinn v Teva</span> <div class="body"><p>WASHINGTON, DC (October 17, 2018)–Yesterday the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case Helsinn v. Teva calling on the court to reject one form of patent system manipulation attempted by a brand-name drug company. The case will be heard on December 4.</p> <p>For nearly two hundred years, the “on-sale bar” has funneled inventors into the patent system by preventing inventors from commercializing their inventions indefinitely before filing a patent application. Congress incorporated a prohibition on patenting “on sale” inventions into the Patent Act in 1836, and this prohibition remains unchanged. Yet Helsinn, a brand-name drug company has argued that a drug is not “on sale” if at least one “term” of the sale is not disclosed to the public.</p> <p>AAM’s brief emphasizes the extent to which Helsinn’s interpretation of the on-sale bar would invite manipulation and foster confusion in the pharmaceutical market, with deleterious consequences for patients, taxpayers, and others who seek more affordable medicines.</p> <p><a href="https://www.accessiblemeds.org/about/our-team/jeffrey-francer" target="_blank">Jeff Francer</a>, AAM’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel stated, “Helsinn’s position reflects a variation on patent evergreening. It seeks to obtain monopoly profits for a period exceeding the statutorily prescribed monopoly period. Helsinn’s position is inconsistent with the national policy of fostering generic and biosimilar competition after that period has expired to ensure affordable patient access to prescription drugs.”</p> <p>View AAM’s brief in the case, Helsinn v Teva.</p> <p><a class="button" href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resource/amicus/helsinn-v-teva" target="_blank">View Brief</a></p> <p><br /> CONTACT:<br /> Rachel Schwartz<br /> 202.249.7147 (o)<br /> 202.251.8881 (c)</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>About AAM </strong></p> <p>AAM is driven by the belief that access to safe, quality, effective medicine has a tremendous impact on a person’s life and the world around them. Generic and biosimilar medicines improve people’s lives, improving society and the economy in turn. AAM represents the manufacturers and distributors of finished generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars, manufacturers and distributors of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, and suppliers of other goods and services to the generic industry. Generic pharmaceuticals are 90 percent of prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. but <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/2018-generic-drug-access-and-savings-report" target="_blank">only 23 percent</a> of total drug spending. </p> <p><strong>About the Biosimilars Council </strong></p> <p>The Biosimilars Council, a division of the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM), works to ensure a positive environment for patient access to biosimilar medicines. The Biosimilars Council is a leading source for information about the safety and efficacy of more affordable alternatives to costly brand biologic medicines. Areas of focus include public and health expert education, strategic partnerships, government affairs, legal affairs and regulatory policy. More information is available at <a href="https://biosimilarscouncil.org/" target="_blank">www.biosimilarscouncil.org</a>.</p> </div> <span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/801" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rschwartz</span></span> <span class="created">Wed, 10/17/2018 - 11:00</span> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/141" hreflang="en">Patent Reform</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> </div> </div> Wed, 17 Oct 2018 15:00:54 +0000 rschwartz 184911 at https://accessiblemeds.org Pharmaceutical Patent Abuse: To Infinity and Beyond! https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/pharmaceutical-patent-abuse-infinity-and-beyond <span property="schema:name" class="title">Pharmaceutical Patent Abuse: To Infinity and Beyond!</span><span class="uid" rel="schema:author"><span lang="" about="/user/851" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">ekomendant</span></span> <span property="schema:dateCreated" content="2018-08-07T14:25:44+00:00" class="created">Tue, 08/07/2018 - 10:25</span> Tue, 07 Aug 2018 14:25:44 +0000 ekomendant 163761 at https://accessiblemeds.org https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/pharmaceutical-patent-abuse-infinity-and-beyond#comments AAM Statement on Importation Task Force https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/aam-statement-importation-task-force <span class="title">AAM Statement on Importation Task Force</span> <div class="body"><p>WASHINGTON DC (July 19, 2018) – Secretary Azar testified on June 26 before the Senate Finance Committee, policy makers should examine whether the U.S. is "underpaying for and under-reimbursing for generics. We need a strong, robust generic market. We may be driving those prices so low that we're creating manufacturing anomalies that lead to sole-source products with others exiting. We need to look at that and be open minded about whether we've actually made it too low."</p> <p>With Secretary Azar testifying that generic prices are being forced too low, the most important goal of the new HHS task force should be to address why there are sole source off-patent drugs in the first place. While AAM appreciates the <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/aam-provides-comments-response-administrations-blueprint-drug-pricing" target="_blank">Administration's efforts through its Blueprint</a> to increase generic and biosimilar competition to bring down high brand name drug prices, importation of prescription drugs manufactured overseas will not solve the underlying under-reimbursement issues that Secretary Azar identified.</p> <p>The task force must ensure that any initiatives do not further harm generic drug markets to the detriment of patient access. And given its mission to "address price hikes ... that are harming American patients," the most significant impact the task force could have is to look closely at drugs whose monopolies and price increases are enabled by well-documented <a href="https://www.stoprxpatentabuse.com/" target="_blank">abuses of the patent system</a>.</p> <p>MEDIA CONTACT:<br /><a href="mailto:Allen.Goldber@accessiblemeds.org" target="_blank">Allen Goldberg</a><br /> 202.249.7110 (o)<br /> 202.251.8881 (c)</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>About AAM </strong></p> <p>AAM is driven by the belief that access to safe, quality, effective medicine has a tremendous impact on a person’s life and the world around them. Generic and biosimilar medicines improve people’s lives, improving society and the economy in turn. AAM represents the manufacturers and distributors of finished generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars, manufacturers and distributors of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, and suppliers of other goods and services to the generic industry. Generic pharmaceuticals are 90 percent of prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. but <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/2018-generic-drug-access-and-savings-report" target="_blank">only 23 percent</a> of total drug spending. </p> <p><strong>About the Biosimilars Council </strong></p> <p>The Biosimilars Council, a division of the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM), works to ensure a positive environment for patient access to biosimilar medicines. The Biosimilars Council is a leading source for information about the safety and efficacy of more affordable alternatives to costly brand biologic medicines. Areas of focus include public and health expert education, strategic partnerships, government affairs, legal affairs and regulatory policy. More information is available at <a href="https://biosimilarscouncil.org/" target="_blank">www.biosimilarscouncil.org</a>.</p> <p> </p> </div> <span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/846" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">agoldberg</span></span> <span class="created">Thu, 07/19/2018 - 13:36</span> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/771" hreflang="en">Drug Prices</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> </div> </div> Thu, 19 Jul 2018 17:36:25 +0000 agoldberg 141066 at https://accessiblemeds.org AAM Files Brief to Oppose Pharmaceutical Company Abuse of the Patent System https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/aam-files-brief-oppose-pharmaceutical-company-abuse-patent-system <span class="title">AAM Files Brief to Oppose Pharmaceutical Company Abuse of the Patent System</span> <div class="body"><p>WASHINGTON, DC (May 18, 2018) –AAM filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit calling on the court to reject gamesmanship of the patent system which keeps prescription drug prices high for patients. In this case, Allergan Inc. has transferred its patents to the St. Regis Mohawk Native American Tribe with the intent to use the tribe’s sovereign immunity to evade review of the drug company’s patents. AAM is joining with a diverse range of groups, including America’s Health Insurance Plans, in opposing this abuse of the patent system.</p> <p>"If all pharmaceutical companies are allowed to shield their patents from the congressionally authorized processes for patent review under the America Invents Act, then patients seeking more affordable medicines lose," says AAM Senior Vice President and General Counsel Jeff Francer. “Such monetization of Native American tribal sovereign immunity would deal an extraordinary blow not only to the U.S. patent system, but to our health care system as well.”</p> <p>View AAM’s brief in the case, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.</p> <p><a class="button" href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resource/amicus/saint-regis-mohawk-tribe-and-allergan-inc-v-mylan-pharmaceuticals-inc-teva" target="_blank">View Brief</a></p> <p>CONTACT:<br /> Rachel Schwartz<br /> 202.249.7147 (o)<br /> 202.251.8881 (c)</p> </div> <span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/866" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">jfrancer</span></span> <span class="created">Fri, 05/18/2018 - 14:37</span> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/141" hreflang="en">Patent Reform</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> </div> </div> Fri, 18 May 2018 18:37:30 +0000 jfrancer 82816 at https://accessiblemeds.org AAM Statement on Oil States Energy Services v. Greene's Energy Group https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/press-releases/aam-statement-oil-states-energy-services-v-greenes-energy-group <span class="title">AAM Statement on Oil States Energy Services v. Greene&#039;s Energy Group</span> <div class="body"><p>AAM commends the Supreme Court for upholding the constitutionality of the Inter Partes Review (IPR) process. This is a win for patients who depend on continued access to safe, effective and affordable generic and biosimilar medicines. <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/advocacy#patent" target="_blank">IPR helps enhance patient access</a> to generic and biosimilar medicines by providing a more efficient mechanism for determining whether the patents of brand-name drug manufacturers are valid.</p> <p>ATTRIBUTE TO: <a href="https://www.accessiblemeds.org/about/our-team/jeffrey-francer" target="_blank">Jeff Francer</a>, Senior Vice President &amp; General Counsel</p> <p><a class="button" href="https://accessiblemeds.org/sites/default/files/2017-11/AAM-Amicus-Brief-Oil-States-10-17.pdf" target="_blank">View Amicus Brief</a></p> <p> </p> <p>CONTACT:<br /><a href="mailto:rachel.schwartz@accessiblemeds.org" target="_blank">Rachel Schwartz </a><br /> 202.249.7147 (o)<br /> 202.251.8881 (c)</p> </div> <span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/801" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rschwartz</span></span> <span class="created">Tue, 04/24/2018 - 14:50</span> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> </div> </div> Tue, 24 Apr 2018 18:50:54 +0000 rschwartz 82011 at https://accessiblemeds.org Skyrocketing Drug Prices Are a Threat to Everyone https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/infographics/skyrocketing-drug-prices-are-threat-everyone <span class="title">Skyrocketing Drug Prices Are a Threat to Everyone</span><span class="uid"><span lang="" about="/user/23" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">eklinger</span></span> <span class="created">Mon, 03/26/2018 - 13:21</span> <div class="body"><h2>The Average Annual Price of Specialty Drugs Has Tripled Over the Last Ten Years.</h2> <p>Prescription drugs treat conditions and improve patient health. But when drug prices are too high, access to medicines becomes out of reach for far too many patients.</p> <p>Share the infographic below to help educate lawmakers on how generic and biosimilar medicines are the remedy to high drug costs.<br />  </p> <div alt="Skyrocketing Drug Prices Are a Threat to Everyone" data-embed-button="file_browser" data-entity-embed-display="image:image" data-entity-embed-display-settings="{&quot;image_style&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;image_link&quot;:&quot;&quot;}" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="a32123bf-37fc-4afd-86e2-778a11b4fa45" data-langcode="en" class="embedded-entity"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/aam-skyrocketing-drug-prices-infographic-540.png" alt="Skyrocketing Drug Prices Are a Threat to Everyone" typeof="foaf:Image" /></div> <p> </p> <p><a href="https://www.accessiblemeds.org/sites/default/files/2018-03/AAM-Skyrocketing-Drug-Prices-Infographic.pdf" target="_blank">Download a PDF</a> of the "Skyrocketing Drug Prices Are a Threat to Everyone" Infographic</p> <ul><li>Read more about this infographic on our <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/resources/blog/skyrocketing-drug-prices-are-threat-everyone" target="_blank">blog</a></li> <li>Watch the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&amp;v=XHiT0-9rDfQ" target="_blank">video on YouTube</a></li> <li>Share this page to raise awareness about this issue</li> <li><a href="https://takeaction.accessiblemeds.org/aS3gi78" target="_blank">Subscribe</a> for advocacy alerts</li> <li>Learn more through AAM's <a href="https://accessiblemeds.org/2020-Access-Savings-Report" target="_blank">2020 Access and Savings Report</a></li> </ul></div> <div class="field-issues multiple"> <div class="label">Issues</div> <div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/141" hreflang="en">Patent Reform</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/771" hreflang="en">Drug Prices</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/161" hreflang="en">REMS/Sample Acquisition Remedies</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/346" hreflang="en">IP Issues</a></div> </div> </div> Mon, 26 Mar 2018 17:21:44 +0000 eklinger 81631 at https://accessiblemeds.org